
The Myths of Alcohol and Sex

The Myths of Alcohol and Sex
Drinking alcohol helps some people relax, socialize, and celebrate. Although people commonly mix alcohol and sex, alcohol can have a significant impact on sexual activity. Many people use alcohol to help reduce their inhibitions in the hope that it will reduce anxiety and allow them to have better sex. Although one or two drinks might be beneficial, consuming too much alcohol can change the way a person’s body responds to sexual activity and may result in less satisfying sex.


Effects on Female
Drinking alcohol can have a range of effects on female arousal, desire, responsiveness, and sexual behavior. Research suggests by Trusted Source that drinking alcohol is associated with feeling more attractive and finding others more attractive, too. Females also reported feeling more desire for sex when they had consumed alcohol. However, an older study trusted Source suggests that although alcohol may increase female arousal, consuming too much may have a negative physiological effect and decrease genital response. Alcohol may also affect sex because it has a numbing effect on the genitals. People who took part in a 2018 study by Trusted Source reported that sex lasted longer after drinking alcohol, which may be due to decreased sensation. Females also reported less vaginal lubrication and difficulty reaching orgasm. Drinking large amounts of alcohol may also lead females to take more risks when it comes to sex. One study Trusted Source of adults in New Zealand suggests that heavy drinking patterns were associated with more sexual partners, regretted sex, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and pregnancy terminations.


Effects on males
For males, the effects of drinking alcohol are similar. Some say that drinking gives them courage and removes inhibition when it comes to sex. In one study Trusted Source, more males than females reported being “less picky” when it came to choosing whom to have sex with. Like females, males also reported Trusted Source less sensation in the genitals after drinking alcohol, meaning that they may take longer to reach orgasm. Sexual dysfunction is also likely to be a more common trusted Source in males who are dependent on alcohol. Males with alcohol dependence are also more likely rested Source to experience issues such as erectile dysfunction, unsatisfying orgasm, premature ejaculation, and loss of libido. Risky sexual behavior is more likely when males consume alcohol in excess. For example, one 2016 study by Trusted Source suggests that males are more likely to engage in unprotected sex when they have been drinking alcohol. This can transmit STIs and lead to unintended pregnancies.

Common myths

The sections below will look at some common myths surrounding sex and alcohol consumption.

1) Drinking makes other people appear more attractive
Science has proven the “beer goggles” effect. In a 2014 study, participants who had consumed alcohol rated images of people more highly for attractiveness than a placebo group did. Interestingly, the ratings increased the most for those whom people did not rate as very attractive, to begin with. This effect is not surprising, as alcohol increases socialization, reduces inhibitions, and impairs judgment.

2) Alcohol affects females and males differently
When males and females drink alcohol at the same rate, regardless of weight, females are more likely to get more drunk. This is due to physiological differences in body composition, metabolism, and hormones. Female bodies generally contain less water and enzymes that break down alcohol, have a higher proportion of body fat, and experience changes in hormones that may affect metabolism.

3) Drinking can improve sex
An alcoholic drink or two might help shake off some inhibitions and increase confidence during sex, but being drunk usually has a negative impact. After drinking alcohol, it is more difficult to control movements, communicate with a partner, and focus on a partner’s needs. Feeling nauseous, feeling dizzy, falling asleep, being unable to get an erection, and being unable to reach orgasm can also be problematic during sex while drunk.

4) If both partners are drunk during sex, it cannot be sexual assault
This is not true. Both partners need to give consent before any sexual activity. Otherwise, it is sexual assault. In an older study, 2%Trusted Source of college students in the United States reported experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault. Alcohol consumption impairs judgment and affects a person’s memory of events. This means that it can sometimes be difficult for a person to recall the exact events of an assault.

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