
Sex Positions and Penis Sizes

Penises vary in size and shape. Even though you might think you know what your ideal is, you might not as you have not had the opportunity to try out the others available at Box Hill Escort Service.

When women encounter a penis, they aren’t accustomed to seeing, they have a tendency to become alarmed. Sex may be much less pleasurable if one appears to be excessively small, broad, curved, or even extremely large. All penises, on the other hand, are capable of producing amazing orgasms. The only thing left for women to do is figure out what they’re going to do with them. For various penis sizes, here are some diverse positions.

For men with larger penises, this position is ideal. Lifting a woman’s hips allows for deeper penetration, and allowing him to enter from above allows him to control the depth of his thrusts during BoxHill Escort Service. This position, while requiring some flexibility on your part, may be altered by the area you choose to try it on. The goal is to maintain level or slightly downward pushing hips. Depending on his size, he may need to be careful not to thrust too deeply for your pleasure, but ideally, you’ll find a surface that places him exactly where he needs to be.


The Rocking Horse
Guys with a larger build can be intimidating, which is why women appreciate the intimacy of this pose. All woman-on-top sex positions give you more control over the depth than others, but it also happens to be one of the most comfortable ways to have your spouse underneath for a slower love-making session. In this position, your partner can also further stimulate you by using a hand-held vibrator.


Doggy Style
This is another fantastic position if you’re having a night with a guy who has a tiny penis during BoxHill Escort Service. There’s a reason why the doggie posture is so popular. It can also refer to any variation of the position in which both parties kneel and he enters from behind. He will be able to penetrate you much deeper if you are supported by your hands or dropped onto your arms rather than if you have a larger penis. The best part of this position is that you are able to clitorally excite yourself whether he bends you over a low piece of furniture or leans forward over your back for a much more intimate position.

The Butterfly
If you come across a guy with a smaller penis than the average guy, this is an excellent posture for you. You’re probably aware that raising your hips with a cushion allows for more penetration than lying flat. Whether he’s squatting on the floor or you’re reclining on a higher platform while he stands, this posture creates the best angle. It depends on your partner’s height and the surface you choose to do this on, but neither position should be more difficult than the other because your arms and abdominal muscles support your body.

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